Honey coffee process


Pulped-natural processing originated in Brazil as an innovative technique designed to expedite the drying of coffee beans in comparison to the traditional Natural processing method. Over time, this method has undergone continuous refinement and has evolved into a highly sought-after approach within the realm of specialty coffee, often recognized and embraced under the moniker of Honey processing.

  1. Initially, coffee is harvested through manual labor or mechanical means. Following the harvest, the gathered cherries undergo a process known as "floating," where they are immersed in water to eliminate any over-ripe cherries, leaves, sticks, or other extraneous debris. Additionally, coffee beans that have not properly developed or have incurred damage may also float during this stage of the process.
  2. The "sinkers," referring to coffee cherries that have settled after the floating process, are directed to the depulper. This specialized equipment is engineered to meticulously extract the fruity flesh or pulp enveloping the coffee cherry. The depulping process involves either scraping away the outer fruit layer or employing a squeezing mechanism to force the seed out through a screen.
  3. Following the pulping stage, the coffee undergoes a Demucilager process. This machine employs water and rotors to effectively remove differing amounts of mucilage from the coffee beans. The quantity of mucilage remaining on the seed plays a crucial role in determining the drying time; a higher mucilage content extends the drying period. It is worth noting that in numerous instances, this step is omitted from the coffee processing sequence.
  4. Following pulping or demucilaging, the coffee is spread out for drying. The duration of the drying process is significantly impacted by the ambient temperature and humidity. Moreover, the drying time can be finely adjusted by altering the frequency of turning or modifying the depth of the drying bed. These variables play a crucial role in shaping the final characteristics and quality of the coffee.
  5. The duration of the drying process determines the type of honey processing that unfolds. Prolonged drying times yield a darker honey, akin to the characteristics of a natural process, while swifter drying times produce a lighter honey, reminiscent of a washed coffee profile.

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