Discover the process of selecting coffee beans at Pancho Coffee

Discover the process of selecting coffee beans at Pancho Coffee

The coffee roasting process is essential to transform the green bean into the delicious beverage we enjoy. This process alters the initial characteristics of the bean, influencing the flavor, acidity and body of the coffee. The type of roasting, whether natural or roasted, results in different flavor profiles.

Pancho Coffee's natural roasted coffee follows a process without adding additional components. It is a 100% natural roast, as seen in Pancho Coffee Grano Natural, which offers a coffee with an intense aroma and balance between bitterness and acidity. In contrast, Pancho Coffee's roasted coffee involves roasting beans with sugar, generating a darker, longer lasting but bitter and strong coffee. Regarding the types of natural toasting, they are distinguished: Light or light roast: Light brown bean without oil on the surface, high acidity and fruity aroma, ideal for filter coffee makers. Medium Roast: Darker bean, balanced in flavor, no oil on the surface, suitable for filter and espresso machines. Medium-dark roast: Deep brown bean with a little oil, low acidity, chocolatey notes and high caffeine content. Dark roast: Almost black, brown bean with shine due to the oils, more bitter and spicy, suitable for espresso machines.

The roasting process is divided into stages such as drying, darkening, caramelization, first and second crack. Temperature plays a crucial role, affecting the reactions and changes in the grains. After roasting, the coffee must be degassed before being consumed. Gourmet coffee, which stands out for its quality, usually uses the Arabica variety, considered superior for aroma, balance and less caffeine. Pancho Coffee offers organic, sustainably grown and certified organic gourmet coffee, with a careful blend of robusta and arabica. The higher price of gourmet coffee is due to the delicacy of Arabica cultivation, the small growing area and the careful selection, drying and roasting processes. Opting for a gourmet coffee, whether bean or ground, and grinding just before brewing, ensures the preservation of the aromas. However, Pancho Coffee offers gourmet ground coffee to enjoy the quality and aroma at any time.

Discover the pleasure of a good coffee with Pancho Coffee! ☕✨

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